What Our Authors Say ...

author of Face, and more
I was thrilled to participate in the Literary Guild of Orange County event when my novels Cloud Mountain and Flash House came out. With the demise of so many bookstores and the struggle of women authors to reach their readers, the Guild provides an increasingly valuable service. Each event is so well organized, and the atmosphere is truly celebratory. As an author and a reader, I'm looking forward to the Guild's next twenty-five years with profound gratitude.

New York Times bestselling author of You'll Never Know, Dear, and more
I was invited to speak at the Literary Guild of Orange County Festival of Women Authors. It was a gorgeous luncheon and I, who’d never spoken to a group larger than a hundred, was in awe and nearly (but not completely) tongue-tied. Bonus points: I got to meet two of my favorite authors, Jean Auel and Carolyn Hart. I still thank Tammy Kaehler, a terrific mystery author in her own right, for suggesting me. Classy and welcoming, the Literary Guild sets the standard for what every author dreams of for a book event.

author of Nature's Lessons, a Novel, and more
I feel very fortunate to have been chosen as a speaker for the 2003 event, which really kicked off my life as an author and novelist, as Nature's Lessons had literally just been published by St. Martin’s Press that month. The Literary Guild is a tremendous group of smart, discerning, warm women who made me feel special and appreciated as a writer. Long may the tradition of supporting women authors last! I’m retiring at the end of summer, and I hope to write another novel—if only to reconnect with the lovely ladies of the Literary Guild.

author of Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen,
and more
Congratulations, Literary Guild of Orange County, on turning twenty-five! I have had the privilege of attending book festivals from Seattle to Miami and never enjoyed myself more than I did at the LGOC Fest. I love how this jewel of a festival truly honors women authors and allows writers to connect with intelligent, enthusiastic readers. Plus, I've never had a better meal than I had at LGOC Fest! Here's to twenty-five more years of fun, friendship, and fabulousness—both fictional and non.

author of Tea, a Novel,
and more
The Festival of Women Authors embraced my literary voice, introducing me—and my work—to a vibrant community of readers. As a playwright who writes in a medium usually seen but not read, I especially enjoyed connecting with people who cherish storytelling.